I’ve had the privilege of working with multiple conventions within Australia as I’ve gotten to know this community further. I’ve had the chance to guest at cons, judge at cosplay competitions and host panels about all sorts of topics.

3D modelling is also a big passion of mine that I have learned through cosplay! I now run a business selling 3d models for fellow cosplayers on Etsy.

I’ve been lucky enough to be featured in all sorts of newspapers, magazines, and websites. I’m extremely grateful for everyone who has helped me on my journey so far! It’s a wonderful community to be a part of, and I can’t wait to see whats in store for the future.

Emjaine Cosplay judging at the TRACon (2023) Cosplay Competition alongside Lumin Cosplay.

Keep in touch with me on social media!

Hi there!

I’m Emily, a cosplayer from Melbourne, Australia.

I first discovered this little hobby when I first attended PAX Aus in 2014, and was absolutely entranced by my favourite videogame characters wandering the halls in front of me.

I didn’t really get into cosplay until around 2019 where I started my instagram, and I discovered there were people out there who look forward to my projects! Ever since then it’s been an absolute joy to be in this community. This website is my way of giving back to all of you and help wherever I can!

Photo by Silavon Photography.


Emjaine Cosplay hosting at the Animaga (2023) Cosplay Competition alongside Villanous Cosplay. Photo by Chuong Photography

Emjaine Cosplay and The Gem Cosplay on a panel for AV Con (2023). Photo by Castle Forge Photography.

Emjaine Cosplay on the cover of Colin Magzine Edition 5.

Emjaine Cosplay featured in Herald Sun 16 Sept 2022.

Emjaine Cosplay featured in Cosplay Realm Magazine Issue 38.

Previous Collaborations