Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take commissions? Not at the moment! Please keep an eye out on my social media to see if I am opening slots.

How did you do (this) on your costume? Check the costume page or view my Instagram, I usually upload Work In Progress photos in my story highlights. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, send me a message on social media!

Can we feature your images? Please send a message with which images you are interested in! Please do not take images unless you have direct permission from the photographer.

Can we hire you for other kinds of events?
Absolutely! I frequently do guest work for conventions, including booths and cosplay competition hositng or judging. I’m also quite happy to help for e-sports events, videogame launches, panel bookings! Feel free to pitch anything you think I may suit for your event.

Can we hire you to wear a specific cosplay to an event? If I already have the costume, you can request it. If it is a costume you would like me to make, please contact me for further conditions!



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