Hello 2024 !

It’s finally time I use this website regularly!

For 2024, one of my new year’s resolutions is to have a schedule for my content posting. I don’t know if people notice, but sometimes time just flies by and I haven’t posted on Instagram for a month.

I might start by doing a feature every week for a past build of mine! There’s a lot of photos in the archive that don’t have a feature in the portfolio yet.

I also want to go beyond just posting on social media. Using platforms like Youtube and social blogs for more evergreen content is what I aim for this year.

I wanted to document new builds, check ins and convention wrap ups here- but it’s just the start of the year! So let’s go through a summary of last year for fun instead.

First time playing DND on stage with the Let’s Roll for Dragons crew!

I had the incredible opportunity to be on the cover of Colin Magazine this year. I can’t put into words how special this is! The team at Colin are so wonderful and hardworking, it was an absolute privilege, and probably a highlight of my LIFE <3

My first time as a Cosplay Guest at Oz Comic Con! I still can’t believe this happened to me <3 It was a dream come true. I had a wonderful experience, it’s probably the highlight of my year!

I went to Wellington Photofest for the first time! It was honestly one of the most fun and well organised events I have ever had in cosplay.

I met so many talented and friendly people in New Zealand and it made for one of the most unforgettable experiences ever. I want to go back as soon as I can already!


I also travelled a far bit for cons this year! Both Sydney SMASH and AV Con in Adelaide were in July this year.

Gem and I had the pleasure of being cosplay ambassadors for AV Con for our first time attending!

Looking back, it was an amazing year in cosplay. I didn’t realise how big the year has been until I did this summary!

What type of blogs do you want to see from me this year? What do you want me to talk about? Let me know!